Monday, December 1, 2008

What's the Big Deal About Jesus?

In my Church this past Sunday one of our Pastors gave us the challenge to write about why Jesus was a big deal. In other words, why is Jesus a big deal to you. I decided to share this information with each of you. If there is someone out there reading this blog that doesn't know Jesus as thier personal Lord and Savior, or has questions about Jesus, feel free to ask me by leaving a comment on this post. I will get back to you. Thanks for reading why Jesus is a bid deal to me! God Bless!

1. Jesus raised me up out of sin and turned me around to walk a new way with Him.

2. Jesus is the lifter of my head. He is the one that I get my self esteem from.

3. Jesus is my Heavenly Father. My earthly father didn't love me or want me. My Heavenly Father does and I am so grateful.

4. Jesus is in control of my life. When I try to control my life, I make a mess of things.

5.Jesus is forever teaching me a new way to live, through His word. I have been a Christian and reading HIs word for many years. I am still learning new ways, each and everyday.

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