Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thriving as an Adoptive Family by David and Rene'e Sanford

Thriving as an Adoptive Family by David and Rene’e Sanford.

This book is a Focus on the Family Resource. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc published it.
This is a wonderful resource book for families that want to adopt or, that is thinking about adopting. It is also a valuable resource for someone who may be thinking about giving up her baby for adoption.
I love how it shows you step by step what to do in the process. It’s a book that adoptive parents can come back to time and time again. I think it’s almost a must read for anyone even considering adopting. I do not think most people would even realize what adopting a child would mean to them, the child, and the birth mother.
I absolutely loved the idea in the book about having a ceremony to celebrate the process. The book talked about one that includes having a ceremony in a Church. It makes it very personal for the adoptive parents, the child, and the birth mother. You are not only doing this adoption legally (with the paperwork involved), but before God. How Awesome is that! This is a must read for anyone in the adoption process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We really appreciate your kind remarks. The book was a labor of love. We so appreciated all the experts who contributed chapters and others who contributed personal stories about how adoption has touched their lives. God richly bless you!